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Regional Workshop to validate the draft of the guide on the implementation of the Port State Measures in the SRFC Member States and in West Africa
Within the framework of the West Africa Regional Fisheries Program (WARFP), the Sub Regional Fisheries Commission is organizing a workshop to validate the draft of the training guide on the implementation of the Port State Measures in SRFC Member States and in West Africa in Praia, Cape Verde on 5 and 6 March 2012.
03/05/20122nd Meeting of the Regional Steering Committee of WARFP - Praia, Cabo Verde
The SRFC is organizing the second meeting of the Regional Steering Committee of WARFP in Praia, Cabo Verde, from 1 to 2 March 2012. The purpose of the meeting is mainly to discuss and approve the work plan and the 2012 budget of the Regional Coordinating Committee of WARFP.
03/01/20124th Steering Committee of the Project Co-Management of MPA - Synthesis of the Meeting
The fourth meeting of the steering committee of the project ‘‘Support to the SRFC for the development of co-management initiatives and the integration of Marine Protected Areas in the development of the west African fisheries’’ was held on 20 February 2012 in Banjul, chaired by the Director of fisheries of the Gambia, also Chairman of the SRFC Coordination Committee.
It brought together representatives of national professional Organizations, Departments of fisheries and several technical and financial Partners of the SRFC.
02/20/20126th coastal and marine Forum of the PRCM - Side events of the SRFC on MPAs
Side-events of the SRFC to set-up the fishing experts committee to support the West African Regional Network of Marine Protected Areas (RAMPAO) and implement the recommendations of the workshop on "Marine Areas protected in fisheries management in West Africa. " Towards a network of MPAs contributing to fisheries management
The side event was attended by various stakeholders of the fisheries and MPA management structures. Participants validated the proposed creation of an MPA and Fisheries Working Group.
02/21/201219th Ordinary Session of the Conference of the SRFC Ministers - A strong commitment for joint efforts to fight IUU fishing and the preservation of fisheries resources
The 19th Ordinary Session of the Conference of Ministers of the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission (SRFC) was held in Conakry, Republic of Guinea, from 20 to 21 December, 2012 in the presence of delegations of Member States, diplomatic representations accredited to Guinea and technical and financial partners. This 19th Ordinary Session was marked by the expression of a common will and a strong commitment to work in synergy for the preservation of fisheries resources, and in the fight against IUU (Illicit, Unreported and Unregulated) fishing.
12/20/201219th Ordinary Session of the Conference of the SRFC Ministers - A strong commitment for joint efforts to fight IUU fishing and the preservation of fisheries resources
The 19th Ordinary Session of the Conference of Ministers of the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission (SRFC) was held in Conakry, Republic of Guinea, from 20 to 21 December, 2012 in the presence of delegations of Member States, diplomatic representations accredited to Guinea and technical and financial partners. This 19th Ordinary Session was marked by the expression of a common will and a strong commitment to work in synergy for the preservation of fisheries resources, and in the fight against IUU (Illicit, Unreported and Unregulated) fishing.
12/20/201218th Ordinary Session of the SRFC Coordinating Committee
Du 17 au 19 décembre 2012, la 18e Session Ordinaire du Comité de Coordination de la Commission Sous-Régionale des Pêches (CSRP) s’est tenue à Conakry, République de Guinée, en présence des délégations des États membres, de représentations diplomatiques accréditées en Guinée, et de partenaires techniques et financiers. A l’issue des travaux, d’importantes recommandations ont été formulées pour la 19e Session ordinaire de la Conférence des Ministres de la CSRP, notamment en ce qui concerne la lutte contre la pêche illégale.
12/17/201210th Conference of Parties to the Abidjan Convention: Acknowledging the leading role of Regional Fisheries Organizations in the sustainable management of the marine and coastal environment
Pointe Noire, Congo, 12-16 November 2012. The 10th Conference of Parties (COP 10) to the Abidjan Convention was held from 12 to 16 November, 2012 in Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo, and was attended by the SRFC, represented by Mrs. Diénaba Beye Traoré, Head of the Department Harmonization of Policies and Legislations.
Regional training workshop for local expertise in the development of fishery policy instruments
Dakar, from 5 to 9 November 2012 - Within the framework of the implementation of the ACP FISH II program in West Africa, a regional training workshop for local expertise in the development of policy instruments (PI) was organized in Dakar, Senegal, from 05 to 09 November, 2012. Representatives of 14 beneficiary countries, two Regional Fisheries Organizations (SRFC and CPCO) participating in the Program, the Regional Coordinator of the Program for West Africa and the consultants of the INDEMAR consultancy firm were in attendance.
11/05/2012Workshop on new approaches to optimize the processing and marketing of fishery products in the artisanal sectors
From 17 to 19 April 2012, the SRFC and the West African Association for the Development of Artisanal Fisheries (WADAF) jointly organized in Dakar (Senegal) a workshop on new approaches to optimize the processing and marketing of fishery products in the artisanal sectors.
The workshop is meant to provide information on new approaches to the marketing of fishery products which would help increase the added value, particularly of products from the artisanal fisheries sector.
04/17/2012March 29, 2012, 27th anniversary of the SRFC
Mr Kane Ciré Amadou, Permanent Secretary of the SRFC pointed out that “the current environment of the fisheries sector in SRFC Member States is increasingly disquieting because of inadequate capacities to sustainably manage resources, the overexploitation of resources by both artisanal and industrial fishermen and the increasingly disturbing IUU fishing activity”. He added that “the sector has difficulty to fully play its role in ensuring food security and fight against poverty ”.