The Permanent Secretariat
It is the executing authority in charge of implementing the decisions taken by the Conference of Ministers, and is headed by the Permanent Secretary who reports directly to the Chairperson of the Conference of Ministers. On the recommendation of the Member States, the Conference of Ministers appoints the Permanent Secretary for a four-year term renewable once.
Since the Policy Letter on the development, organization and management of human resources was adopted in February 2009, an institutional reform had been undertaken to enable the SRFC to serve as the prime player in ensuring the sustainable development of fishing its zone.
In addition to having the background documents drafted and adopted by the 12th Extraordinary Session of the Conference of Ministers in February 2009, the SRFC embarked on a restructuring process to enable the organisation to serve as the key player in ensuring the sustainable development of fishing in the Sub-Region.
This reorganisation is embodied in a new organisation chart with the creation of:
- three new departments, namely:
- two new services
- Two technical positions in charge of :
- Human Resources ;
- Procurement contracts.