
The RIS Department coordinates the following activities:

  • Development and promotion of a research system
    • Establish an appropriate and coordinated research mechanism in the Commission's focus area;
    • Develop and implement a research policy and determine its organization within the SRFC;
    • Ensure enhanced organization of scientific and economic partnerships of the Commission.


  • Strengthening collaboration with research institutes and centres

Serve as interface between SRFC, research institutions and the research/academic community;
Foster the sharing of knowledge on fisheries through organization and hosting of symposiums and workshops;
Promote effective coordination of national efforts in the area of research on and management of common interest fisheries;
Encourage collaboration frameworks between research institutions for the establishment of joint programmes to assess shared resources;
Utilize existing data from the various research institutions and other sub-regional bodies.

  • Identification of key ecosystems for common interest fisheries within the SRFC zone
  • Support to stakeholders for knowledge building

-Conduct, on a regular basis, evaluation meetings of the information system with all stakeholders;
-Support to improve information gathering and processing techniques and methods in SRFC Member States;
-Establish cooperation agreements and protocols in the area of marine scientific research with relevant agencies.

Mandate and missions of the Head of the Department RIS



  • 2nd International Conference AWA “ICAWA 2015” - Ecosystem approach to the management of fisheries and the marine environment in West African waters. More...
  • Regional workshop on measures for improving the conservation of sharks in West Africa, in partnership with the NOAA. More...
  • Second meeting of the Regional Advisory Committee for the promotion of sustainable fisheries and collaborative management of small pelagics in North Africa. More...
  • Support to SRFC member States for the validation of studies on ethmalosa and establishment of national advisory committees. More...
  • Workshop of the AWA project to present the scientific results to stakeholders in the community of Yenn Todd. More...
  • National awareness workshop on the prohibition of finning in Senegal. More...
  • 1st International Conference on “Ecosystem approach to the management of fisheries and the marine environment in West African waters” (ICAWA). More...
  • Brainstorming meeting on the impact of by-catches in the SRFC area. More...
  • Visit of the oceanographic vessel Thalassa in Dakar - Assessment of AWA scientific campaign. More...
  • World Wetlands Day 2014: the SRFC, partner of the Ramsar Convention. More...
  • The SRFC at the International Congress on the Marine Protected Areas  IMPAC3. More...
  • Workshop to launch the Project “AWA” - Ecosystem-based approach to fisheries and marine environment management in West African waters. More...
  • First Meeting of the Regional Advisory Committee (RAC) for the promotion of sustainable exploitation and co-operative management of small pelagic species in North-West Africa. More...
  • Workshop on Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, current status, factors of change and co-management issues. More...
  • Workshop for the restitution and validation of the findings of the mission to sensitize and train the “sharks” focal points of SRFC countries, within the framework of the project dubbed “Technical assistance to strengthen the capacities of the SRFC”. More...
  • Preparatory meeting of the 16th Conference of Parties to the CITES (CoP 16) Conservation of Sharks in West Africa and role of the CITES. More...
  • Workshop on the "Development of a regional policy for a sustainable management of the small pelagic species in North-West Africa". More...
  • 6th coastal and marine Forum of the PRCM - Side events of the SRFC on MPAs. More...
  • 4th Steering Committee of the Project Co-Management of MPA - Synthesis of the Meeting. More...





Dans le cadre du recrutement du personnel du projet « West Africa Sustainable Ocean Programme » (WASOP), financé par l’Union européenne, la CSRP souhaite s’offrir les services d’un cabinet spécialisé en ressources humaines.

Les offres de service seront fournies pour des prix en hors taxes hors douane. EIles comprendront les références du cabinet, son expérience dans le domaine, les qualifications du personnel qui sera déployé pour l’exécution de cette mission ainsi que l’offre financière.






MESSAGES DE L'AFRIQUE À L'UNOC-3 Messages clés de la consultation africaine en préparation de la 3ème Conférence des Nations Unies sur les Océans (UNOC-3)