Harmonization of policies and legislation
The HPL Department coordinates the following activities:
- Development and implementation of shared tools for sustainable and fair fisheries management
- Establish a common system to regulate access and allocate fishing rights for fisheries of common interest;
- Develop and implement principles for effective, fair and transparent management of fishing capacity in the SRFC region;
- Promote the establishment of a coordinated and harmonized policy on the regulation of access and allocation of fishing rights;
- Promote the establishment of a common access regime for foreign fishing in the medium term.
Advisory support to Member States on policies relating to fair fisheries agreements compatible with the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks
Support to Member States in their relations with grassroots organizations and regional and international partners
- Strengthen the negotiating and organizational capacities of States;
- Support Member States for the adoption of joint strategies at international fora;
- Strengthen collaboration between SRFC and national institutions involved in fisheries, and foster cooperation between SRFC and sub-regional, regional and international organizations specializing in --- fisheries management and the fisheries sector in general;
- Disseminate the code of conduct for responsible fisheries as well as international instruments on fisheries management.
Awareness-raising/knowledge building on management measures for Member States
- Develop and implement a permanent communication and awareness-raising programme on measures for the conservation of fisheries resources and fisheries management, and ensure that the relevant laws, regulations and other legal standards are disseminated to professionals by the most appropriate means
Mandate and missions of the Head of the Department HPL
- National workshops to validate national and sub-regional action plans for implementation of ITLOS advisory opinion. More...
- SRFC side event at the 8th Regional Coastal and Marine Forum in West Africa: “Effective implementation of the Convention on minimal conditions for access to fisheries resources (CMCA): advisory opinion of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea”. More...
- National workshops to raise awareness on the advisory opinion delivered on 2 April 2015 by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), among member States of the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission, organized by the SRFC and the PRCM. More...
- Training workshop on international fisheries law for SRFC member States, Ghana and Liberia. More...
- Workshop on the advisory opinion of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on the request submitted by the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission on IUU fishing and the sustainable management of shared stocks or stocks of common interest (Case n° 2). More...
- Meeting of the Sub-Regional Committee of Experts in charge of supporting and accompanying the ITLOS process. More...
- Advisory opinion of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea issued on the request submitted by the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission (SRFC) regarding illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and the sustainable management of shared stocks. More...
- Request for advisory opinion submitted by the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission (SRFC). The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea will issue its advisory opinion on 2 April 2015. More...
- Public hearing at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea: Case number 21 SRFC Request for advisory opinion: Oral arguments of the SRFC. More...
- 1st Meeting of the Group of Sub-Regional Experts: Validation of Version 2 of the Statement written by the SRFC for the ITLOS. More...
- The SRFC at the 7th Regional Coastal and Marine Forum of the PRCM: Side-event on the referral to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea as an opportunity to fight IUU fishing. More...
- Workshop of Legal Advisers of SRFC Member States: finalizing the Draft written statement for the request for an advisory opinion to the Full International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS). More...
- 10th Conference of Parties to the Abidjan Convention: Acknowledging the leading role of Regional Fisheries Organizations in the sustainable management of the marine and coastal environment. More...
- Regional training workshop for local expertise in the development of fishery policy instruments. More...
Request submitted by the SRFC to the ITLOS for for an avisory opinion
- Request for Advisory Opinion, with as annex the Resolution of the Conference of Ministers of the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission (SRFC)
- Written Proceedings (1st round) - Written Statement of the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission
- Written Proceedings (2nd round) - Written Statement of the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission
- Advisory Opinion of the ITLOS (2 April 2015)
- Complete documentation on the website of the ITLOS