Documents and institutional resources
Convention creating the SRFC
A Convention creating the SRFC was drafted and submitted to the Conference of Ministers in charge of fisheries that met in Mindelo, Cabo Verde in 1984. The final version was adopted and signed in Dakar on 29 March 1985 by Cabo Verde, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania and Senegal. The founding group was enlarged when Guinea and Sierra Leone joined the SRFC in September 1986 and February 2004 respectively.
The Convention was amended at Praia, Cabo Verde, on 19 July 1993 and signed by Cabo Verde, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania and Senegal. The amended Convention specifies the SRFC’s purpose and headquarters, its organs and modus operandi, admission and withdrawal of members. Download
Headquarters agreements
Dakar was retained to host the SRFC in accordance with the Convention amended on July1993. However, the headquarters agreement between the Government of Senegal and the SRFC was signed in 8th June 1994. A headquater agreement was signed between the Governement of the Gambia and the SRFC for the hosting of the Departement Monitoring, Control and Surveillance. Downlad the headquater agreements :
Financial Regulations
On 29 May 2006, the SRFC adopted its Financial Regulations. Download.
Technical documents drawn up during the institutional reform of the SRFC
On 27 February 2009, the Conference of Ministers met in its 12th Extraordinary Session adopted the institutional Reform of the SRCF, based on the following documents:
- A new Human Resources Policy;
- A new Organisation chart;
- An updated Rules of regulation;
- An updated Staff Regulations;
- An updated administrative, accounting and financial manual of procedures.